Hi I bought a Maxtor 200 GB HDD about a month ago and partitioned it to 50 GB (C and 150 GB (D. I also had an 120 GB ATA drive hooked up to it also partitioned (E (F 60 GB each. A week ago the Sata HD came up with an error message while booting up Error Loading OS and I have my bacup drive ,30 GB ATA, installed right now and I cant access the files that Are saved on the SATA C: drive. Is there any way I can access the files that are saved on that drive or should I accept the fact that I'm Screwed? Also Im thinking about getting a Maxtor 100 GB SATA HD but I was wondering how I would go about getting a raid setup between the 2 of them. Is it possible to setup with 2 different HDD sizes? How would I go about doing it? and which is a better raid setup, raid 0 or raid 1? Here are my specs: MSI RS480M2-IL AMD 3000+ socket 939 Maxtor 30GB ATA133 Maxtor 200GB SATA WD 120 GB ATA100 1 Gig PC 3200 All help is appreciated Thanks
If you are wanting to mirror they have to be the same size. I believe you can use different sizes for stripe. I only use mirror in raid as all the other options have a high risk of data loss. -Del
I must have misread something. You can have both drives plugged in and set up as separate drives. They will get drive letters like any other HD. You can then move files around like before. If you are attempting to clone the drive I have not tried this in SATA but don't imagine it being much different from regular IDE as long as it is setup right in the BIOS. Default setup usually will put the two drives as separate. -Del
30 gig boots fine and is my temporary C: my 120 gig is recognized but is just for storage purposes. partitioned into 2 drives 60 gigs each my sata 200 gig was partitioned to a 50 gig and 150 gig. its also recognized but I cant access what used to be the c drive on it (50 gig) they are all NTFS and im running WinXp Pro
if the info on the 150gig is still viewable but not the 50gig than you got hit by something. check with these links to see about a data recovery program http://www.ontrack.com/freesoftware/ http://www.ntfs.com/products.htm http://www.flashfixers.com/
Well I finally got around to trying out those programs, but to no avail. I still couldnt access the HD. Instead I got another HD and just set up a raid 0 between the 2. It works great except XP does not want to boot up from the HD. can anyone explain why this is Thanks Also I meant to say that it does boot but only if I have the XP Cd in the cd drive.
which drive are you trying to boot from, an ide or a sata because if sata you have to load the 3rd party drivers in when installing xp
sata raid. I got rid of the IDE connections and am only running a raid setup now. Im pretty sure i loaded all of the drivers. I did the whole F6 thing when windows prompted me to do it and everything was going fine up until i boot up everytime now.