I saw something at walmart and was wondering if any one here has tried them out. it is a protector that goes on your dvd/cd's to keep them from becoming scratched. these are permanent on the disc. I am assuming it stuck to the disc, not sure. has anyone seen this product or used it? and does it work? or is there any other suggestions on a product to help with scratches and preventing them (other than be careful with them lol)?
u mean d-skins? i hate them, well, i only used them 4 my ps2 but when i played them they made a scrathching noise
I do believe they are d-skins. I just wondered if it helped with dvd scratch prevention and if they caused probs with them. and as the other person asked, is it a sticker that sticks to the disk?
well, no they are removable and do help protect from minor scratches and keep them clean, they wor good on the pc but not so good on ps2