need a program to grab all frames of small videos and turn them into photo files - hopefully automated... friend took new digital camera on vacation and accidentally shot all the shots as small 2-3sec videos instead of pics there are like 200 2-3 sec videos, so again, hopefully it can be done automatically to a whole folder of vids.. thanks in advance, bob
I assume that the files are now in a PC folder as small .avi files? If they are anything like mine, the movie images are quite small compared to a still image and may be of lower standard than expected. You can try loading one of the clips into VirtualDub and output the image sequence as .bmp or .jpg files. A three second clip might have fifty images. Run VDub and drag a clip on to the window. Click 'File' > 'Save Image Sequence' and output the images. Alternatively, you can select a particular frame and copy it to the clipboard and paste it in any of the photo imaging programs. VirtualDub most recent stable There is probably a method of extracting all or some of the images from all of the clips using a script - I don't have expertise in that field.
thanks for the reply, i did find a program that does it all automatically - frameshots. it runs $30 but should do the trick. sadly, the files will be smaller resolution wise, but they can't go back through the vacation
It should be possible to play the files back on the TV or convert them to a suitable disk format and play them back as movies. Certainly would be a novelty item.