My nephews MAC is on the blink, it wont switch on, i mean it does (the wee white light flashes) but the screen is a complete blank. After turning it on and off it eventually comes up but the whole thing looks like...its all multicoloured lines and then just goes dead. I was just wondering is there anything i could do, or is it a case of sending it back?
ok first off what model of macintosh here is why g3 mac laptops have a problem with the logic board that the computer will not power on correcly or the computer crashes while certain models have problems everywhere from power cell crashing and other weird issues we need to know model number is it a g3 g4 g5 is it a lcd monitor a imac a new mac mini please explain im curious but with out noing anything else about the computer i really cannot help you
they would first have to diagnose the machien to find the issue.. that's why i always buy the applecare for my machines... sometimes stuff like that can cost almost as much as a new machine