When I burn dvds the edges are always cut off, ending with the hardsubs on them to be cut off as well. Is there some way I can fix that so the subtitles aren't cut off on the bottom?
you must be downloading files from the internet and then converting them to DVD format for burning....... what program(s) are you using to convert and burn? then we can make a more intelligent answer to your question. Also, consider the file you downloaded..... it could have been that way to begin with...... not a quality video file.... something to think about..... if it starts out with bad quality it's very hard to make it better, if at all.
They are avi files that I've downloaded from fansub torrents. The quality of the video is pretty good. While I'm watching it on the tv the picture quality is great. Just that the bottom of the video is cut off on the bottom so that i cant really see the subtitles. I use ConvertxtoDVD to do all my converting and burning.
well...... the quality of the file is fine..... but they just didn't do the centering when they recorded it...... this is what I meant by the quality of the file itself. Video quality doesn't mean the quality of the file itself.... THEY CUT THE BOTTOM OFF...... soooooo they goofed when they recorded it...... the program will only do the job that the file has..... soooooo if they cut the bottom of the movie off when they recorded it from their hand held recorder then that's that...... no program will put the video back on when they cut it off when they recorded it. sorry. I hope I explained it enough to understand. ConvertXToDVD is a great program and that's the program I was going to suggest to you before I found out that the file was already culpret.