for one, that's bordering on text speak, damn annoying to anyone over 3yrs old. Plus no asking for Keycodes, let's have a look-see at the Forum Rules in my sig thanks...
WTF is screwlab? and why do you need a keycode to enhance your shortcomings as a male? Nevermind, just buy the program or else the software writers will go back to eating vinyl once again.
They have software now that can "enhance" certain male shortcomings? Well now, don't that beat all LOL! I've seen pills, pumps, weights, exercise (he-he) but this is the first time I hear of software written for this purpose. Isn't technology wonderful??...not that I have this particular male shortcoming. (Tee-he-he).
HOW I FINALLY TAUGHT NEHI A LESSON I did not provoke the fight so I feel no remorse for what I was forced to do. We were arguing, and seeing that I was right and he was wrong, he decided to fight to cover for his stupidity. He swung at me first, but being in the top of condition, I was able to act quickly and block the punch neatly with my head. Whereupon I jumped to the ground, knocking him down on top of me. Then I placed my ear in his mouth and poked his finger several times with my eye. His teeth hurt so much from the strength of my ear that he became irate and tried to kick me, but I cleverly blocked the onslaught with my ribs and face. I scrambled to my feet and ran to my car in hopes I would get away and save this man from my deadly hands. Before I could start the car he pulled me from the still open door...That was the final straw--I lost all control. There (would) be no mercy. Taking him in my death grip, I pounded him in the knee with my stomach, then hit him two or three times hard in the fist with my teeth. He had had it! I could tell. After that, he didn't even try to pick me up off the ground. He was too chicken.