Hello, i'm just wondering if there is a homebrew boot application that can boot up NTSC original games? i've tryed running original NTSC through GCoS and booting DVD, but it doesn't even find the game. Any help would be appreciated, thankyou!
I personally haven't tried it yet, but have read that it's not possible. The sd media launcher was designed to run 'homebrew' which doesn't have a region as far as I know. I could be totally wrong though and if anyone wants to correct me, feel free.
I know you can run NTSC backup games through GCoS on a PAL Gamecube with the SD Media Launcher, but i'm just wanting to know if there is a homebrew application just like GCoS that will allow you to run NTSC games as well!
if you can run NTSC games on a PAL system with gcos and the sd media launcher, then why wouldn't the opposite be possible?