I recently downloaded an AVI file and burned it to a DVD I noticed when playing the file in Windows Media Player the film had 2 audio soundtracks one in Italian and the other in English,when I burned the file to DVD the english soundtrack had vanished. I use Nero 7 to burn DVD and VCD's, what programe do i need to sepperate the soundtracks and is it possible to do this.Dave
hello Dave, to do this download a copy of VirtualDubMod, and then open up your avi. Then go to STREAMS > STREAM LIST and you should see the streams there, you can then mute or disable the one you dont need, in your case this being the italian one and then just under video go to Direct Stream copy and then go to File > save as avi. In a few minutes you should have a new avi file with only the english track. GooD Luck
I agree with SOCOMII, VirtualDubMod is THE software. Just for the sake of clarity, probably in Stream___Stream list the order of the tracks was: - italian - english and your encoder caught the first one, only. If you had made 'drag-and-drop' and inverted the order: - english - italian doing Video___Direct tream Copy and Save (F7) you would have had the same file, but with the default track being english. Just for completeness, should you need to perpare a dual-audio AVI file...