Most dvd burners are firmware set to rip at speeds no faster than around 2.2x/2.3x. However, if you have a seperate dvd rom drive, it is possible to achieve fast rips. For instance, disc 2 of the Office Series One ripped at 7.9x on my Asus E616 drive. XP, for some unknown reason, appears to lock the ripping speed of the dvd-rom drive to that of the first device on the channel. So if you have a dvd burner as the master device on ide channel 2 and a dvd rom drive as the slave device on the same channel (as I and many others do), you will not be able to rip any faster with your dvd rom drive than your burner. These fast rip speeds can be reached in WinXP by performing the following registry hack. Remember to back your registry up before you start. Click Start, Run and type Regedit, OK Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E96A-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}. The ide channel that your dvd rom drive is on will either be 001 for ide channel 0 or 002 for ide channel 1. Open the correct channel and delete MasterIdDataCheckSum and SlaveIdDataCheckSum. Reboot your pc and the ide channel speeds will be reset. You may even find your burner rips faster as well. You can delete the channel values for your Hard Disk(s) as well and you should notice an increased HDD performance.
Why not just upgrade your firmware to an RPC 1 equivalent, insteading of messing with the Windows Xp settings.
1. It doesn't invalidate warranty 2. Because it is proven to work 3. Because it may help people. It worked for me and a lot of others. Just because I don't do it your way doesn't make it the wrong way.
mickrick, You are totally correct for your dvd drives i did it a month ago. How do you delete the channel values for your hard disks
It is correct, i was curious as to why you dont just get the rpc1 hack for your firmware instead of messing with XP?
Where is the Rip Speed Crack for the Asus 616P?? I found one a few days ago and when i downloaded the zip file it would not unzip due to an error.
I've struggled with the dilemma of low ripping speeds until now! TDK 840g - was ripping at 2x max, now 8x as advertised. The key is what's called Speedread - apparently an integrated limiter that sets the maximum transfer rate to 2x whenever a CSS encrypted movie is inserted. Now for the important part - how to disable the Speedread function.... First, make sure the tray is empty. Next close the tray (still empty). Then, press and hold the eject button and continue to hold untill the LED light flashes about 3 times (or until it stops flashing). Presto Chango! The Speedread function has been disabled and the drive should function far more efficiently. This should be applicable to Plextor P-708a's as well. As a sidenote, I tried the altered firmware for the TDK 840g to no avail, and later had success with the Speedread trick.
Thats what I do. Just hold the Eject button down for acouple of seconds until it flashes three times(PX-708A). SpeedRead is disabled and rips at 8x.
Is this advice still valid?My matSHITa dvdrw drive on my sony s5xp lappy crawls at 1.8 times read, and i really need to speed the bugger up.Any ideas chaps????thanks
pieman , Since you are on a Laptop there really is not much you can do except : replace the drive w/ one that can be unlocked. Below is a site you can check out to see if the burner can be unlocked: You really should be congratulated as you did a search on the forum for your problem and then posted a question that was pertinent. Thank You as most people do not do what you did.
mfer, You will need to find a hack for that burner or you will need to use another drive that can be hacked or just get a DVD-Rom as I found no info for that drive that enables it to be hacked
thanks car mike,i dont fancy spending £300 on a new burner!!MAYBE sony will release a fw update.But I wont hold my breath!