Hi, a friend of mine has a Starview box Virgin Media Ex-Telewest West Yorkshire Bradford, Since the calzaghe fight setanta 1 (2 is and golf)has not been showing up (done manual scans on 827000, 611000, 299000, 419000, 355000 and automatic scans a couple of times)and neither has Racing UK. I reckon its nothing to do with a fault at Virgins end as my EV max 2008 picks them both up. If anyone could help it would be great because he's missing out.
Do you live in the same area as your friend ? if not it does seem to be a fault but if you do then he may have to do a factory reset to see if that will get them back.
Menu > Factory Setting PIN 0000 OK to delete Turn box off at the back for a minute and turn back on English > Installation Choose Provider etc Automatic Scan Press OK Channels found Exit Menu 1570 Turn EMU key ON Exit , exit , exit
Glad you said that Celt and not me ,I didn't want to tell him to do one just for 1 channel incase it caused others not to work.
Thats the last resort and if he deleted the channels that dont work , then done manual scans on all those freq and still not found it , this way will lol
yeah CO19 just up the road, Ive managed to get Racing UK it was on 155000, i found that out by looking at my channels on EV box but it also says setanta is 155000, i looked at the bottom of list after the manual scan to find Racing UK and no Setanta 1. Thanks for telling me Celtic how to factory reset but i decided not to, i might do during the week if no look so ill keep this page book marked incase.There must be a frequency that i dont know and havent tried