setting up multi-users on PC - help

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by {TKO}, Dec 15, 2003.

  1. {TKO}

    {TKO} Regular member

    Dec 1, 2003
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    i wanna set up multi users on my PC....wife, little sis-in-law, mom.....and i have tried it before, but they have problems getting access to certain progs and i just wanted to ask all my AD buddies to give some pointers, suggestions, look-out-for's, and definately-don't-do' it even worth the hassle?.....please offer any and all will be appreciated...thanx
  2. Xian

    Xian Regular member

    Jun 27, 2003
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    I have my pc set up for multiuser, its not that much of a hassle. My 5 yr old is in the habit of clicking on icons to see what they do and clicked on the uninstall icon for Neverwinter Nights and erased my save games too after I was about 7 hrs into it. I set multiuser up after that so he has his own logon, but only user rights so he can't install or uninstall anything now.

    If they are having trouble accessing certain files you probably need to assign the correct permissions. First make sure you are logged on with an account that has admin rights. In XP or Win2K you select the file or directory in Windows Explorer and right click on it and select Properties. You should have a security tab. Thats where you assign permissions such as full control, read, write, modify, etc. Once the permissions are assigned then they should be able to access that file or directory. Note that your file system needs to be NTFS not FAT to assign file permissions.

    As far as programs go, some are not really made for multiuser and you have trouble getting them to work. For example, Virtual Pool 3 puts some registry entries in the registry file of the person that installed it, not all users. Without those registry entries it won't run when someone else is logged on since it is looking for them in their registry now. You can manually add them but its a hassle. The majority of programs work fine though.
  3. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Its fairly easy with WXP:
    1. Control Panel
    2. User Accounts
    3. Create the various accounts either as administrator (regular people) or guest (kids that like to click delete and install shit at random hehe)
    4. "Change the way users log on or off"
    5. The option "Use Fast User Switching" allows for multiple people to be simultaneously logged on at once
    6. Suppose for a moment one of the guest account needs to run something that requires administrator priveleges (i.e., install something), you dont need to logout/fast-swtich at all, just shift+right click on the executable and click 'Run As' and use the admin login :)
  4. {TKO}

    {TKO} Regular member

    Dec 1, 2003
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    actually i did have it on before but the other people couldn't get to Internet Explorer....i was thining that as long as i put them in the shared folder it should be ok, but then again i am a computard.....ideas?

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