im feeling a bit uncomfortable with the name going on there and the cough cough sexy beach cough cough.... hmmmmm always a bad apple.
Forgive me for asking but has Sexy beach been licened in the states? Dosnet that kind put it more into the gray aera than soem adabdoned ware has question lisecne status or are you guys jsut skiping the whole thing,whitch as sue happy as the corps are is a smart move *L* I dotn mean to be stupid its jsut sometiems I am and I would like to know ^^ its like with anime its liecned in the states its a no no to downlaod it even if the company that owens it refuses to reelase it in a subed/uncut format *coughdigimoncoughonepeicecoughmegamanntcough* man that cough is going around *L* I ahve palyed wif hehehehehehe Sexy beach 2 wif translation packs it is neat but I dont know lacking the odd censoreing from hentai is there whitch is starting to piss me off frankly I eman come on japan is less anal than the US yet the whole macathisim still stands >< its like trying to censore porn or worse censore a R rated movie thats on at 2AM nothing like bluring out nipple bumbs under a shirt to say we are ANAL(segal newer china mafia moive on USA...USA used to show censoered porn movies becuse they had nothign else to show..and nowe thier tryign to be all P-C and crap...)! ><....ick rant >< sorry....