Bro, I DID it! lol 5 hours of sleep and I was ready to get back at err before I have to head off to work, hah. I recieved disk read errors during the entire cd image making process, but the ensuing burn (all with alcohol I might add) produced a backup copy of the 3rd Splinter Cell CD that works in my cd-rom without any emu, etc courtesy of alcohol. So, wanted to say thanks since you really helped me out. And I had yet another question....*gulp* It occured to me that I should backup one of favourite RPGS of all time: "Planescape: Torment" When I use ClonyXXL, and scan the disk for protection, it comes up with "Non/Unknown Protection" Have any ideas what that means? I could just jump into the image making and burning process, but it is 4 disks long and I'd rather be more certain of anything special that I might need to do. (If there is anything) Alright Shoey, have a great day.
Planescape Torment does not seem protected. Someone wrote it has CD-check on it (check for original CD when playing). Since a backup cannot cheat it you need to apply a patch after the installation (do not ask it here) if you want to play without inserting the original CD (which is annoying)
Heck no aldaco. There's a great trick for PT. Although it takes a little time. You have to copy the contents of each CD into respective folders inside of a main folder of your hard drive. (C:\PT\CD1) And in^ PT have 3 more folders, CD2, CD3 etc. Then simply edit the torment.ini file and change the pathway to point to the directory where you did the dump of every single cd. Example....this is my edited torment.ini file [Alias] HD0:=C:\Program Files\Black Isle\Torment CD1:=C:\PT\CD1 CD2:=C:\PT\CD2 CD3:=C:\PT\CD3 CD4:=C:\PT\CD4 If you "were" to somehow, from somewhere find or obtain a CD crack, that would help a little. But if you use "just" my method, all that will happen is the "insert cd x" screen will pop up for like a couple seconds when loading a new area and that's it. ^^^Found that out way back when I first bought the game. The reason being, otherwise, playing PT from the Cd's is quite slow and the loading times are awful.
Splinter Cell is Safedisc2.8.x cd protected. If you used Alcohol 120% then your backups should play just fine. Disc 3 is the Safedisc 2.8.x protected cd, so use the Safedisc 2 profile. Try the latest ClonyXXL and download and scan all 3 discs and see if the new version detects the cd protection ClonyXXL Shoey