I was thinking about what I should do.. should I save up money and buy all the parts that I need? I think this would be a better approach because it might allow some price drops and what not.. I mean, if I buy it all at once, that means i'll be buying around late January so I think there's a good chance for some price drops to occur.. what do you guys think?
Well, what I did was I bought everything that wasn't in side the case, such as keyboard/mouse/headset/monitor slowly. Just bought a bunch of parts all the case, motherboard, everything else, yesterday. IMO, do it now if you have the money, everything is much cheaper now then what it will be. That also depends on what you want.
Well i've already bought the monitor and the antec 900 case, and I was thinking on buying the PSU, but a major drawback is that I have no way of knowing if something is defective if I buy everything slowly...
"Lol you think this is out of date..? My computer is a pentium 3 750MHz, 20 gb HD, I think I have an on board graphics card, and like 350Mb of RAM, I have no hope of gaming and I can't even upgrade it at all since it's so old. That's why I had to build a brand new computer... Oh, and I forgot that I have USB 1.1, completely ridiculous, cant even use my data cable to put songs on my phone since the driver won't even install on my old ass computer" Hmmm...well depending on your current budget I'd buy all the parts now. I found many a good deals on computer parts in late December. You can buy all your parts now, wait and save more money, or continue to buy the parts one by one, but the thing against that is, it's gonna take longer.
Hay guys I was just wondering if this PSU was compatible with this motherboard... It says that the motherboard needs an 8 pin power connector or something like that.. I was just wondering if the PSU had one.. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139003 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128359
Buy the Case/Fans/Power Supply/Perphrials ahead of time. I bought my monitor ahead of time, and it is 3000:1 contrast, a few months later when I bought my other supplies, they same monitor was 8000:1 contrast, I could notice the difference as well, which really pissed me off. I bought my CPU/GPU/MB all the day I was gonna build it, and my ram like 2 weeks before then. The sweet things is that my setup didn't seem like it cost as much as it did as I bought all my parts over the course of a year, and things like my badass case and power supply seemed liked sunken costs.
The VX450 is fine with the EP45-UD3R. Just because you can use an 8-pin, doesn't mean you have to. For the recoed though, "3000:1 contrast" monitors are usually about 800:1, andd "8000:1" are about 850:1-900:1. Dynamic contrast is a handy way of lying about what the actual contrast ratio is.
Personally I think you should save up your money unless there is something you come across that is such a great deal that you can't pass up. For example like this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231122 $39.99 with free shipping for a total of 4gigs of ram with a nice heat-sinker that has pretty good reviews and a decent time setting and relatively good overclocking room is pretty hard to pass up if you have the money for it. By saving your money you give yourself more time to see if you come across some really good deals. Maybe that cpu you had your eye might drop a few more dollars because of newer cpu's flood the market or maybe some DDR3 memory drop in price when you were only considering DDR-2.
Corsair RAM works out a lot cheaper than that G-Skill after rebates: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145034
Wait until you can afford it all. Things only get cheaper/faster with time. Getting the case/fans/PSU early wouldn't likely lose you much money though, they are pretty static.