Should I buy/build a new PC or upgrade the one I have? ($money is relative$)

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by 449, Nov 30, 2008.

  1. 449

    449 Guest

    So I'm 16 years old and Christmas is coming up and am going to try to use whatever money I can get to build a new pc or upgrade my current pos. Here is what I have right now. The only difference is, is that I have a 320GB hdd in it. I only have probably about $200-$300 to work with. What does AfterDawn recommend?
  2. Shamb1es

    Shamb1es Regular member

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Keep saving. The only things that you'd be able to keep from a system that old would be the optical drive, hard drive, keyboard and mouse. It doesn't list the PSU unit in there but I doubt it would be worth keeping either.

    The motherboard is outdated and won't fit any CPU you'd want to buy. Your RAM is DDR1 which means it's so old now that you'd actually be paying a lot to upgrade it because it's basically considered vintage. You'd be better off saving around 700$. By that time the i7 chipset might be affordable for you so you won't end up investing in a chipset that will again be outdated within 12 months.
  3. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Too old to upgrade. Literally, you can build a whole new system for the same cost as a minor upgrade of that system.

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