In four months, I will have been with my boyfriend for a year. For our anniversary, this is what I would like to buy him- the Nintendo DSi XL. I would like to do this because he still uses and owns the very first version of Nintendo DS. I'm just uncertain as to if I should because some of the games for his version will not operate on the DSi XL. Do you think that he will not like the gift due to this, or will he not mind purchasing new games? I would buy him some games for it, but it will cost almost $230.00 after I buy the two year protection plan. He may also be upset with me because I know that he cannot afford to spend that amount of money on me. But, I just really feel like it would be the best gift for him ever if he won't mind having to buy new games. Its something that I'd like to do for him because I believe he could enjoy having it. So, opinions? Should I or should I not?
"In four months, I will have been with my boyfriend for a year. For our anniversary, this is what I would like to buy him- the Nintendo DSi XL. " Wait 2 months and if you're still together, ask the question again. It may be cheaper. "I'm just uncertain as to if I should because some of the games for his version will not operate on the DSi XL. " AFAIK, all of the older games will work on DSi XL. "He may also be upset with me because I know that he cannot afford to spend that amount of money on me." That's a relationship question, not a technical question. If you're not sure, make sure that you provide a gift receipt. If it's within your "sphere of morality" and he already has a NDS or NDSL, a more useful gift might be a flashcart. Unless money is not a concern for you, IMHO $230.00 is a lot of money to spend on a one year "together" anniversary present. I didn't spend $230.00 on my ex-wife for our one year Wedding anniversary.<G>