i will be starting college in 2 weeks and im planning on getting a new mac to handle the video editing ill be doing. i will be using final cut pro (at school, FCP4 i believe, or 4.5HD), and ill will be using FCP5 also. right now i have a mac mini 1.42ghz and it wont do the job. so im looking at the iMac, or a Power Mac. if i got a powermac i would get a dual processor for sure, no single. and if i got the iMac i think id go for the cheapest, 1.8ghz 17". my main question is would i notice much difference between the iMac and dual processor Power Mac? i will be editing projects thatll be short and plan on also editing a tv series and things along those lines. so fill me in, would i notice that much difference in performance between a 1.8 iMac and a dual 2.0 Power Mac? plus, i will be upgrading the ram to at least 1gb whichever i choose.
no offence but as djscoop puts it: but to be helpful, i guess you will just have to consider the specs, if one has a certain quality better than another, try to compensate if it lacks sometin else.... but its realy up to you.. we can only suggest
y not get a pc. i mean, each to their own, and all that. but ive seen macs or like £1300 quid with thw specs of a £400 pc... what attracts people to them? lol
lets see, somewhat better software on certain apps, os might not be as buggy as windows, not hacked or viruses as much as windows. get a power mac as i think is easier to upgrade than an imac.
My bro has a powermac and to your surprise he uses it for cineamatography! So I think the powermac will suit you best!