Hi, Can you tell me if i should update my box, i have API version 2.6 april 2007 (i think this is also known as my firmware version). I have all the channels and not got any problems except the channels sometimes scramble but come back on after 10 or so seconds. Also im up in edinburgh and i was wondering can someone give me a channel list, i have them in alpha order but i think this would be easier. thanks for your help in advance. Kev
You can update the b0x to the lastest formwa*e and this will auto roll the codes for you You will need to know if you have a clone or genuine b0x Count the vents on top 18x7 = Clone 25x7 = Genuine Also you can go here to see some pics http://www.freewebs.com/dooby2oon
its a real one bud.... so if i update to v.4 i wont have to scan for the channels every so often is that correct? ta
Hi I have purchased the box but it will only find 10 channels no matter what I do.It is not a clone but an original and has API ver 4.5e_E on it.Is this firmware o.k or is there a simple answer to the problem.Oh yeah I am in waterford ireland n*l
V4 will auto update the codes for you , you dont have to re-scan for channels unless a freq change then you will have to scan for channels etc
Hello, yes it is in cable input and it will find the 10 channels and 7 radio stations but no more.I bought these for friends of mine which I didn't get the money for so it is hard to give them boxes that are not working properly.My own 1 works fine and is an identical box(real box)but I cannot figure out whats wrong with these