I have a lite-on sohw-832s drive that is 8x, would i see a great improvement if i upgraded to a 16x? thanks
don't know if you have a dvdburner or a dvdrom but if your backing up/burning your movie collection X16 is way to fast anyway,to burn/or backup. now if that's your reader that would speed the process up a little bit. gday..................................
you dont want to burn dvds at 16x anyway 8x max. is a good rule of thumb. so as long as your burner is working fine your good to go . just make sure you have the latest firmware for your drive
Thats another thing upgrading my firmware! I went to Lite-on's web site to check for new firmware and when I downloaded and went to run it it said I had a Lite-on 832s VTS3 and the firmware could not be loaded. I sent them an e-mail asking what the VTS3 sttod for and they responded they did not know that it may have been added by the computer manuf. When I check in hardware manager it shows the driver as microsoft so I am at a lost in less one of you can help. Thx
Although this http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=1818 is not the official lite-on f/w page, it does show official lite-on f/w updates. Notice your f/w is not listed. This leads me to believe that you are using some f/w provided by the make of your pc (gateway, dell, etc) Gateway and dell are infamous for doing this. Look on the website of your pc make for a f/w update for your drive or flash it with a patched vs of lite-on f/w. Once it is flashed with a patched vs of lite-on f/w, you should be able to flash it with the latest vs of official lite-on f/w. You can find some patched f/w here http://codeguys.rpc1.org/firmwares.html I would try the patched vs of VSOM f/w 1st. Note: make certain that your drive is a SOHW-832S. Flashing a drive with f/w not for that model can render it dead. Patched f/w will allow this to be done so be certain of what you are doing.
If you can get quality media like Verbatim or MIJ stuff to work with your current drive, then there is no reason to upgrade your burner. The only thing you're missing is 16x and DVD-R DL compatibility. Burning at 16x speed is inadvisable anyway (really, 4x or less is good for compatibility purposes) and DVD-R DL is hard to find, expensive, and not-well-supported.
Dunker is correct and has a good point. As long as your drive will recognize and burn 16x media, leave it alone. I never burn or recommend burning over 8x anyway.
Ok if I understand Mort81 and Dunker correctly if it ain't broke don't try to fix it. My burner works great thanks I just felt after reading many post in the different AD forums that I may be missing something. I really appreciate all the responces everyone has given.