Up until recently, I could burn an original without any problems and then I could burn from my burnt copy. Now Shrink will not burn from the newly burnt copies but will still copy my "old burnt copies".
I can almost guarantee it's the media. What brand are the discs? If it's of the lower quality media, Shrink (among many other programs/drives/players) will not be able to read it. TY or Verbatim for life!
OK, first off, Shrink is NOT a burning engine... You will need a third party burning software such as DVD Decrypter/ImgBurn or Nero to accomplish that task. Now if Shrink is no longer breaking copy protection on newer titles, that is to be expected, as the development of this software ended some time ago. Try Nero Recode and AnyDvD.
I agree that AnyDVD is by far the best and there is a 21 day free trial which I also recommend you take. However, you can also rip the DVD files on you HDD with the latest version of DVDFab Decrypter before running them through Shrink. DVD Fab is free. DVD Shrink uses Nero as a burning engine when that option is selected.