Shrinking a movie

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by DX7879, Jun 30, 2006.

  1. DX7879

    DX7879 Member

    Aug 11, 2005
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    I got a DVD and even after setting the compresson of the videos on the lowest setting with DVD Srhink, it's still too big. I put still images on everything except the movie, and still too big. Is there a way that I could make it even smaller and burn it on to a DVD?
  2. bilg25

    bilg25 Regular member

    Jul 20, 2005
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    What DVD is it?
  3. pazzini

    pazzini Guest

    Hi :)

    If you want just the movie only use the re-author mode. I have not used shrink for a very long time so I am unable to give you the correct information on how do it, but I have added a guide for you that might be of some help.

    EDIT: Make sure you have selected Automatic in the compression settings.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 30, 2006
  4. DX7879

    DX7879 Member

    Aug 11, 2005
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    It's a Ring of Honor DVD. I tried the re-author thing, and still too big. There's 2 video files, and even on the lowest compression 70.1% it is 4,899MB big. That's just one of the files too
  5. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Do you have any audio's that you can remove to try and lower it?

    If you have Nero Recode can you try that - it will sometimes handle the compression better than Shrink. But it will not do copy protected movies.
    You would need to either have AnyDVD running in the background or rip to your hard drive 1st w/ something like DVD Fab Decrypter then open those files in Recode.

    Then there's running it thru shrink 2x but quality may suffer.
    Pick your hard drive as your target device let shrink do it's thing then open that file in Shrink and run thru again.

    Or if your have a dual layer burner burn to a dual layer disc.
  6. rbrock

    rbrock Regular member

    Jun 15, 2006
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    I burn movies all the time they say they are larger than 4.7 gig and with shrink just re-author drag the main movie only then hit backup then hit burn to IFO with Decrypter you'll also need AnyDVD runing in the background some say they are 5-6 even 7 gigs but it will put it on a 4.7 and look good if you just burn the main movie only! it dose not start to compress untill 4.7 after that it will compress as long as it is about 60% it should be fine If you want a perfect movie there are some different ways to do it so don't get hung up on the compression setting untill you are more advanced you may not even care after you get this formula to to run .
  7. bobby_021

    bobby_021 Member

    Mar 28, 2006
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    I can't say enough about DVD Shrink for all your shrinking needs...
    DVD Shrink is a free, powerful yet user-friendly DVD backup software.
    Here are some of its numerous features:

    "Full-Disk" mode: to backup the whole content of the original DVD.
    "Re-author" mode: to make "movie-only" backups, compilations, combine "flippers",....
    Audio/Video preview.
    "Start/End" function: to crop or cut parts of a title.
    "Deep analysis": to get great quality backups even when a fairly high level of compression is used.
    [bold]Removal of copy protection and "PUO" (Prohibited User Operations)[/bold]

    Why Use DVD Shrink?

    Mainstream DVDs normally fit into one of the following types:

    DVD5s, also known as "single layer DVDs".
    DVD9s, also known as "double layer DVDs".

    DVD9s are too big to fit on a recordable DVD (DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, or DVD+RW).
    So what DVD Shrink enables you to do is to selectively remove unwanted extras (FBI warnings, trailers, making-ofs,...), audio and/or subtitle tracks, thus progressively lowering the overal files size.
    If they are still too big to fit on a DVD±R, you also have the option to apply different levels of compression to each part you decided to keep (even when you decided to keep them all).

    DVD5 discs do not need any kind of compression for them to fit on a DVD±R.
    DVD Shrink will enable you to make 1:1 (meaning identical) copies.
    However, you can still use DVD Shrink features to remove unwanted content.

    Once DVD Shrink has done its job, taking between 15 to 50 minutes, you will only need the burning software of your choice (like Nero Burning Rom, Nero Express, RecordNow MAX,...), to write the files created by DVD Shrink to a recordable DVD. I Personally Recomend Downloading a Free Trial of Nero [bold]BUT[/bold] Make sure you get and stay with the [bold] Version[/bold] that is a stable version and not "Buggy"... It can be found here:

    [bold]Upgrading to a recent version like Nero API version: and will cause you nothing but problems as they are extreemly "Buggy" and a Nightmare to troubleshoot...[/bold]

    [bold]You can read more about DVD Shrink right here on AfterDawn here:[/bold]

    [bold]Good Luck My Friend and Happy Ripping[/bold]
  8. DX7879

    DX7879 Member

    Aug 11, 2005
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    I tried the ripping DVD to hard drive with DVD shrink and burning with DVD Decryptor, but still doesn't work. I might be doing something wrong though. The DVD is 4.78 GB big. I have AnyDVD running in the backgroud, but it doesn't seem to do anything
  9. rbrock

    rbrock Regular member

    Jun 15, 2006
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    I'll run through a quick way to do this I hope it helps AfterDawn should have some help guides on this . Put the movie in your pc stop it when it trys to play , then open Shrink and analysis the movie when its done select Re-author it when its done select main movie ONLY drag and drop it over to left the large white box at the top you'll ses DVD Structure drop it there then hit backup you will get a new box that opens up where it says select backup target hit the drop down and select ISO IMAGE FILE and BURN with DVD Decrypter hit ok it will start encoding then start burning you should set up decrypter to burn at 4X With a Verbatim disc. this only works with AnyDVD Shrink and DVDDecrypter. yes there are many outher ways to burn so good luck
  10. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Do you have DVD Decrypter picked as the back up target in Shrink like rbrock describes?
    A dvd that size Shrink shouldn't have any problems compressing to what will fit on a single layer dvd (4.38 gig)

    Or are you getting an error message when burning w/ Decrypter?

    Give us exactly what your doing and I'm sure one of us can get this sorted for ya.
    Also what audios are listed in Shrink for this DVD?

    Anydvd (as long as you see the red fox in the system tray) is working. You just can't visually see what's it doing. It removes the copy protection even the ones Shrink no longer can.

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