I like using Shrinkto5 software from time to time. I've donated a couple times but it seems to ask me for a donation everytime I use it before it will burn my DVD. Is this normal for this software or am I missing something like product activation ?
@encryptme Never used it Shrinkto5 but after a quick glance at this supposedly 'freeware' I would steer clear. Why not use a true freeware and free of adware program - DVDShrink if your using shrinkto5 to compress?.
Ok Binkie7 point well taken but,I occaissionaly used Shrinkto5 because of the ease and quickness of the program.
@mcalister At least they point it out unlike other downloads! Adware just seemed to be the 1st thing that popped out at me when I looked at the site.
Hi all. Just wanted to say that I think they've taken out WhenU in version 2.04 (their site now says "No Adware!"). Just a head's up.