Sid files transfer to xbox

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by snapbox, Jan 7, 2008.

  1. snapbox

    snapbox Member

    Jan 7, 2008
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    I'm hoping to turn my new (to me anyway) xbox into a XBMC.

    I've read most of Clunkheads tutorials, and they're very good. But I still have a couple of queries that I can't seem to resolve.

    1. If you Hotswap the HD, can you add the SID files to the iso image using xboxhdm before you create the iso - so the files are automatically in the right place. Then use splintercall to activate the softmod? I'm new to Xbox so I don't really understand the file system yet - though I understand that the tdata and udata dirs do contain saved games.

    If so - do you need to even use xboxhdm - or could us just use explorer360 and add the files to the HD? (assumes not upgrading the HD)

    2.Is there an ftp server in the unmodded, virginal xbox that you can use, or do you have had to have started the softmod process ( seems to suggest that you do - but of course you have to have the right files in the right place to do this!).

    I'm just trying to avoid having to wait until I can get out tomorrow and buy an old tired xbox controller and make it into a usb lead - I want to do it now!

  2. chunkhead

    chunkhead Regular member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    It's 'Chunkhead'


    1. If you Hotswap the HD, can you add the SID files to the iso image using xboxhdm before you create the iso - so the files are automatically in the right place. Then use splintercall to activate the softmod? I'm new to Xbox so I don't really understand the file system yet - though I understand that the tdata and udata dirs do contain saved games.

    If so - do you need to even use xboxhdm - or could us just use explorer360 and add the files to the HD? (assumes not upgrading the HD)

    Yes you can, they can be placed in the saved games folder and will work without issue, this is also true with Xplorer360. I must point out however, Hotswapping although quite easy can easily render your console almost useless! I totally advise against this route as other options are much easier!

    2.Is there an ftp server in the unmodded, virginal xbox that you can use, or do you have had to have started the softmod process ( seems to suggest that you do - but of course you have to have the right files in the right place to do this!).

    No, the FTP software is actually in the SID files! The origianl MS Dash software does not make use of this feature!
  3. snapbox

    snapbox Member

    Jan 7, 2008
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    Sorry 'Chunkhead' - too much red wine (ie old git...bad eyesight etc)

    1. Didn't realise hotswapping was so risky - you do say in your faq "Hotswapping is the most widely used and probably most successful repair tool we have." I'll perhaps save that until I want to put the bigger hd in. Your Error 16 tutorial makes it look pretty easy. I guess the saved games folder is pretty easy to find once you explore the disk

    2. Thanks - that's what I though - but the fact that the ftp server software was within the SID files isn't actually stated - just inferred.

    I'll try the easy routes once I've made a usb cable - I think I've got a compatible memory stick.

    thanks again.

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