I know this topic has been posted many many many times before, but I still havn't seen a solution to my question. I downloaded a PC game, it came rared, so I unrared, 2 files came out, one .mdf and one .mds. What should I do here, put both those files in a single folder, and then mount the .mdf or mount the .mds using Daemon? I tried putting both into a single folder, mounting the .mds, and then I go to install, I get an error, "game.exe is not a win32 application". I'm thinking maybe this file is just corrupted. Any help will be aprreciated. Thanks
another thing u could do is to mount the game using ALCOHOL 120% instead of using DAEMON TOOLS. one other thing to do would be to change the compatibility mode for the game file. once you install them gaem got o the dircetory in wi=hcih it was installed to and them change the compatibility for the game's .exe file! (to do this right click on the file and select 'Properties', then click on the 'Compatibility' tab and change the mode to 'Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 5)' hope this helps, and enjoy your game. Phoenix