I know there's compatibility issues with The Sims 2 and Windows 7 and I've done every suggestion I could find. But it still won't work. Could anyone help me? I'd appreciate it.
Windows 7 is NOT on the system requirements list for this game. http://compsimgames.about.com/od/thesims2faqs/f/systemrequireme.htm Chances are it just will not work on 7 if you have tried "every" suggestion. You will mostly need a fully functional XP system (or other as noted on the requirements) in order to play this OLD game. Have you tried the XP virtual machine which can be installed on certain versions of 7? Have you considered a dual boot set up - where you can choose XP or 7 when you start your pc?
Oh. Well I'm temporarily using my mom's laptop until I get mine working again. I guess I'll just have to wait. Thank you though. At least I know that could be an option.
Hi , i dont have sims 2... nor have i ever heard of this solution, and i dont really understand how it would work , but I found this on another site...u can try it but i have no idea if it will work Yes it is compatible with windows 7. as well as vista. However you might need to add the launcher file to the "data execution prevention" inside of windows. To do this go to "Start>Control Panel (Classic view) > System > Advanced System Settings > Advanced Tab > Settings > Data Execution Prevention. Then choose "turn on DEP for all programs... (the second one). Then select add and locate the launcher file for sims and then click apply/ok and there ya go it should work. Or try this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TARvR7OAkYo&noredirect=1 or try this right click on your Sims 2 icon on the desktop, and go to properties. Click the tab that says "compatibility" Click the box that says "Run this program in compatibility mode for..." so its checked off. Select Windows XP from the dropdown menu. This should fix the problem.
None of those worked either... I think I'll just have to wait until I can get my laptop running again. I really don't know what else to do, unless there are other suggestions I haven't found. Thank you though.
I have also tried few time to start this games in my Window seven system but it doesn't work. The game is not prepared for Windows seven so I suggest you to play Sims 2 in XP or any another compatible system.