Can anyone tell me of a way to size DVD covers other than Nero? My version has expired and I really do not wish to update it at this time..In need of help
Well if you don't have a program to use then try this site. I use Corel Draw for most of my covers. You may also download covers for free at a few different sites. One such site is I think that first site I gave you will get the job done.
I found a program at Best Buy that came with a DVD cover/maker package. Memorex expressit design software and its only around 10 dollars, well worth it IMO. I checked and couldn't find it there so you may have to go to the web. Hope this helps.
Although this seems to be my answer for everything, try using nero cover designer. Its brilliantly easy to use, and maxburn did a step by step guide about how to get the best out of it. Well its more of a guide to using nero as a whole, but it includes using the cover designer. You'll find it here : All thanks to maxbrun obviously, lots of time and effort into that mate. Hope it helps, keep me posted.
@dew0131 if you go to the they have a free program there called cover works very well, the covers come out exactly the right size every time.
I also use the Memorex software. Only thing by Memorex that I use. ) It has lots of templates, including a dvd cover template. It works very well. Here's where to download it for free: Good luck!
@tjedwards. Brilliant. I forgot about this. In fact, my printers broke and im going to get an epson printer, one of those that prints on disc, so i havent used either. Another good cover site is Thats off topic though, but yeh, go for what tj said.
If you want to make your own, you can create in almost any photo program a new one with a size of 10.75 x 7.25.