I downloaded a bunch of skins. When I went to use them only like two of them worked for evox and avalaunch. I also downloaded a bunch of config live for the x3 and don't know how to use them. I'm FTPing so is there a way to store them ?? I checked every folder and don't know where the config live skins go. I should be able to pick the config live skins from the config menu, right ?? So what the heck do I do ?? NEED HELP BIG TIME !!
hmm i cant help with the live skins because i never heard of them...although hmm. with the skins you did put them in the skins folder right? if not that would be your first mistake. also make sure you unzip all of the skins. they will probably include stuff like skin.ini, menu.(cant remember), and possably a loading.(still cant remember). also you could just have some bad skins. i know that http://www.allxboxskins.com skins work for evox. but that's the only dash i have so i dont know about avalanch. hopefully this helps. if not tell me.