I have 3 DVD players if you include the PS2. I notice that when I back up a disk on the newest DVD player (about 2 years) with dvdshrink, it starts to skip badly for almost every backed up movie when there's about a half an hour left. The DVD player works fine with all original DVDs and the backed up copy works fine all the way through on the other 2 DVD players. So my question is, anybody have any idea what it could be? Do like some DVD player have something that...? Hmmm...is it like some intentional thing built into the DVD player to stop back up'd movies, or what? It's just weird because the disk must be ok if it play fine in other stand alones. Anybody know anything about this?
I suggest trying some +R discs and booktype them to DVD-Rom. I have the same problem with one of my newest players with -R's. Hopefully that will help. Strat
Some players react differently to compression. When you backed up the movie with shrink how much compression did you use? Keep it above 75. Strip the menu and extras if you have too.