i have read forum explaining sky box office hacks, i have also checked e-bay and people are selling the devices on there, as i gathered all you need is a surface mount telephone socket four wires and a 1.5 volt battery, connect pin 2 and 3 to the negative end of the battery and 4 and 5 to the positive end this will emulate a connection made by the sky box to the phone system when booking live events, although how long this hack will last unknown. warning dont plug your phone connector from the sky box back into the wall as it will send a signal to bill u for the ppv programs you have watched, when your limit gets to £50 you need a new sky card, ring sky and ask for a new one saying something like ur dog ate it . hope it works for u, it did for me
Um you just need it connected to your phoneline then you change a setting in sky and enter some remote control commands. I will get to you later as it was my sis's bf that did this. I have NTL. And no, don't use it excessively as it isn't as good as the way we NTL folk have it
Sorry, I will get onto teh sky thing. I didn't see him yesterday. And when you say you have NTL is that Digital? And I am assuming you have 2 viewing cards like me. I cannot get front row movies though with my 2nd viewing card.
ammm...sorry, think I'm getting confused... ...got standard Sky digital, with NTL Broadband for as ISP