slayer auto installer help

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by xxHAZExx, Sep 26, 2005.

  1. xxHAZExx

    xxHAZExx Guest

    ok this is my situation, i have a softmod with unleash x dashboard and i am trying to get ms dashboared back . i cant ftp but i can burn cd-r's. i dont have a autoslayerinstaller.iso so if u can get one tell me from where and all i want is to get my ms dashboard back. if u can help please do.

    im not sure how to burn the info either so if u can help me with all this stuff i would really be thankfull.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 26, 2005
  2. akspud93

    akspud93 Regular member

    Sep 5, 2005
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    to clarify hazes point i have worked with him before and he is in a sticky situation. He doesn't want a hacked dash at all he just wants his M$ dash back and he seems to have deleted it. I suggested for him to get slayer and rebuild his M$ dash but I haven't actually done it myself. He can't FTP as he said above and he needs to make a slayer boot disk. I would help him but i haven't used slayer nor made a boot disk. So if u guys could just tell him where to get slayer and how to make a boot disk of it that would be helpful.
  3. SeanMG

    SeanMG Guest

    Yes i got this same issue if any1 knows plz contact me at label it Dashboard help thx
  4. gunmetald

    gunmetald Regular member

    Aug 26, 2005
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    I can help you. First off you will need to get slayers auto installer off xbins (I should tell you that the auto installer will install a hacked dash, But I think you can just install the M$ dash but you will be able to delete that later) If you don't know how to use this go here it tells you all about once you know that. you will need a bittorent client like the one found in the software section here then open the auto installer file with the client you just downloaded it is already in a .iso so burn it to a dvd using dvd decrypter which is here you will need to change the setting in dvd decrypter to burn iso. then put it in your xbox if it doesn't work at first keep booting your xbox with the disk inside your xbox until it works usally works on the second time and just goto apps and install the M$ dash. If this is unclear or wrong please correct me but i think its right :)
  5. Mjones69

    Mjones69 Member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    yes im having the same problem with the other guy up ther but the main problem im trying to do is get my old ms dashboard back so i can have the xbox like it was wen i first got it. I have the auto installer n shit and the .rar file that came with it and the cd label n other things. I just need help on getting that to work so i can get my xbox back 2 normal. So if anybody can help that would be great!!
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2005
  6. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    i am not suppose to do this. But since it is not a pirated game your looking to get i figure i will
    Go to pirate bay, they have Slayer 2.6 and a bunch of other auto installers there.
  7. Kavonk

    Kavonk Member

    Jun 20, 2006
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    OK so i have evo x and unleash x on my xbox cause some1 was messing with it when i was modding and now i cant get on xbox live.... can some1 help me with this.. i have no idea where to get everything so if u could just send me links that would be great..

    Thanks Peoples
  8. Kavonk

    Kavonk Member

    Jun 20, 2006
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    ok so yea i thought that was it but i somehow lost my original xbox dashboard..... SOME1 HELP ME
  9. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    it should be on the auto installer disc, just reinstall
    the MS Dash. If not you can download it and FTP it to the xbox
    when you are in standby mode and you press the eject button to start it rather than the start button what do you get? that should take you to the MS Dash
  10. Kavonk

    Kavonk Member

    Jun 20, 2006
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    hey steimy dude can u help me out like over aim or something cause i have no idea what imdoing still...... my sn is zephyr389
  11. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    i don't have AIM, Just MSN
    But i have used Slayer only twice myself.
    See if this works.
    put in slayer disc, reset the xbox
    now the disc should load up.
    see if there is an option to install the MS Dash
    I know where the installl EvoX and apps are but never had to reinstall the MS Dash.
    I know that it should go in the root directory of C:
    you can also get it there, click on the link below Sadalius's sig that says MS Dash.
    then just FTP it to your Xbox
    You just have to be sure to put it in the correct place.

    Have you tried pressing the eject button to start the xbox instead of the power button to see what it does?
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2006
  12. omar3333

    omar3333 Regular member

    Jun 17, 2006
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    seanMG, no posting emain addresses! :p
  13. omar3333

    omar3333 Regular member

    Jun 17, 2006
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    *email, sorry lol
  14. shinnster

    shinnster Regular member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    Sorry to jump in on this thread but if your box is soft modded, rather than looking to download slayers or aid why not just reload the soft mod exploit and use the file manager in that to check whats on your drives. I'm guessing the M$ dash will still be there so you just have to delete the other stuff off of C & E (not the udata or Tdata folders) and you will have your ms dash back.
  15. theridges

    theridges Guest

    lol 15 posts and all he needs is the AID 3.0 Disc which has this feature and i quote "Restore MS Dash5960" what is all this other nonsense about???
  16. shinnster

    shinnster Regular member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    Just thought he might not want to spend hours downloading a 700 meg file if he's already got what he needs on the exploit. Others are allowed to give ideas too you know.
  17. theridges

    theridges Guest

    im not saying anything about other peoples opinions but this should have been the first response he got....
  18. darthmod

    darthmod Guest

    please help i finnaly got into my xbox and was able to ftp into it but i backed everything up and edited the evox ini file like an article said to do and i copied the c folder and the backups into one folder with the evox ini edited file and i also copied default xbe file like it said and i burned it to iso with nero my dvd burner cant read the disk or my cd dvd burner combo wont read it either it sais f drive is not accessible and do i have to have a mod chip i plan on getting the executer 2.6 se mod chip do i have to have that to read my disk and is it possible to mount the iso to an 80 gigabyte seagate harddrive i have for my old comoputer i made the iso first with xiso maker i downloaded from can anyone please help email me at if u have any answers and also can u tell me if i how i can make an iso image of uleash to install on on a disk also is it same process and what files do i need to copy and edit to install a new hardrdive thanks would appreciate some help.
  19. yungplaya

    yungplaya Member

    Aug 18, 2006
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    Ok i had a question on slayers auto installer would it work on a non modded xbox or u need to have it softmod to use it cause i tryed to run a softmod installer on my friends xbox and it gave me error 16 when i did it so i was wondeing can i use the auto installer for that?
  20. theridges

    theridges Guest

    no a non-modded xbox wont boot it....

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