When i burn move files (either mpeg or avi's) to a dvd-r using nero 7.1.2 Premium, when i watch the film back on my dvd player (JVC) theres a slight lag about every second or just under, and the lag for a split second. After about half an hour its barely perceptible but you notice it most when the camera is scrolling around a scenery. The computer i use to burn the movie is a dell laptop with 6gig free and a gig of ram, 1.6 ghz processor. Anyone had this problem too?
i get this sometimes. the only thing i can think of is when u go to burn it to a blank dvd push the write speed down to 1x or as low as u can. this will then burn the best quality image it can. this is what i ahve done before and it has worked. give it ago and see what happens. also sometimes if there are scratches on the dvd u are coping when u go and copy it to the HDD it may mess up the copying of the dvd.