sloppy video after conversion

Discussion in 'Video playback problems' started by noclue211, Apr 14, 2006.

  1. noclue211

    noclue211 Member

    Jun 4, 2004
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    Ok i recently used dvd express to put a vhs movie on my hardrive it put it there in mpeg-2 format i watched it on my pc before i did any converting...the video quality was perfect..the next step i took was converting this file using VSO divx to dvd into an iso. file so i could burn onto dvd using dvd decrypter. well i decided to watch the dvd i had created and the video was horrible there was splotches of different colors everywhere. is there a simplier way i could do this to make my video quality better. could converting into iso. form really make it that bad?
  2. dolphin2

    dolphin2 Guest

    I didn't know VSO divx to dvd could create an ISO file. (?)

    Try converting it to your hard drive. Watch it and see what the results are.

    What brand of media did you use? What speed did you burn at? The answer to those two questions could have more to do with the problem then the conversion.
  3. noclue211

    noclue211 Member

    Jun 4, 2004
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    sorry i got confused, i used divx to dvd to convert it to a file dvd shrink could then use to create an iso file., i did watch it on my harddrive the quality was perfect but after i converted into iso. and burned it onto dvd (im using imation dvd+r)it lost way too much quality i know thats not right, but i dont know any other way to go about getting it on dvd.
  4. dolphin2

    dolphin2 Guest

    OK. I know you have DVD Shrink. Do you have DVD Decrypter or Nero?

    If you have one of those, you can burn right from Shrink without the manual creation of the ISO. (DVDShrink will create an ISO) Is that what you did?

    You might also want to try a different brand of media. Verbatim is very good and found in most stores.

    You could have burned the disc to fast. That will cause problems also. What speed did you burn at?

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