Can anyone help? I have just installed a Sony DRU 800 A DVD writer and I am getting really low write speeds. It takes 45 minutes to burn one 4.5gb DVD. The Nero software it comes with tells me it should be burning at 1,000Kb/s, but it is nowhere near this. I am using 8x DVD media and - as far as I can see - have optimized my software for maximum speed recording. Very slow. My system specs are: 1.3 Ghz processor 512 Mb RAM 16Gb C drive (5Gb left) 32 Gb internal F drive (10Gb left) Is my computer not powerful enough? Am I using the wrong media? Am I using Nero wrong? Do I need more hard drive space for a cache? Could it be something to do with the buffer? I have heard that Sony have a buffer uderrun protection that limits recording performance. My read buffer stays at 100% for most of the recording time, but crashes back to 0-5% periodically... Any help would be much appreciated Thanks, Luke
It is more than likely the media that you are using and its compatibility with your burner... BTW, 1000Kb/s is less than 1X!!! Link here to see supported media and write speed: P.S.: You can't go wrong with Verbatim and Taiyo Yuden...
You are probably in PIO mode instead of DMA. Use this guide.
I also had issues with burn speeds and dma going back to pio or burner freezing after adjusting registry. Solved problem by using 80 conductor cable and 530 watt power supply. Using liteon 1633S and Nero Takes about 8 min. to burn a full DVD. Burned 25 GQ 8x DVD+R & 40 GQ 8x DVD-R with no coasters. They go on sale at Fry's or for $9.99 for 50 discs.
I wouldnt buy any of that GQ crap if I were you. You might not have coasters now, but wait a few months.
Thanks for all the advice, people! Things seem to be working now. I changed my Secondary IDE Channel from PIO to DMA and it now says it is in 'Ultra DMA mode'. Sounds good! I also switched from DVD-R to DVD+R (still not really sure what the difference is!). Anyway DVDs burning at about 1gb p/min - much better. Thanks once again
You're welcome. Glad to hear it. Here's a good read about +r, -r media. BTW with your sony drive you can booktype +r/rw media to dvd-rom making them much more compatable with stand-alone dvd players. Mort
im also having a similar problem, i have a nec 3500ag dvd writer. i use ritek g05 8x dvd-r discs with dvd decrypter. i notice that when i set the write speed on max the speed starts off low and then stays at 4x up until about 60% and then goes up to 6x but it doesnt go to 8x. anyone know why this is or if there is a way i could get it to write at 8x. it ends up taking about 12mins to write a full dvd on 8x. also when using dvd decrypter i get a ring on the dvd disc where it looks like the disc was being written, stopped and then carried on writing again. is this normal? any help would be appreciated
I don't recommend trying to burn those G05's at 8x anyway. Stay at 4x. You can burn some top quality media at 8x such as verbatim or taiyo yuden but ritek is not in the same catagory as those imho. It is still good budget media, just keep the burn speed to 1/2 the rated speed.
thanks for the advice guys, i was under the impression that ritek g05 were pretty good dvds. shows what i know. so is it due to the type of disc i have that the speed is slower?
I wonder if anyone can help. I tried changing my media. used verbatim, tdk, Datawrite, Bulkpaq & Taiyo Yuden. everytime i get the same speed. I try to write a disc at 8x but it wont go above 6x. The dvd write is rated at 16x and the discs are a maximum of 8x. I have checked that the drive is in Ultra DMA mode 2. I dont know what else to try. I have been told that it should take about 7 mins to write a full dvd at 8x but mine takes nearer to 11 at best. Any ideas guys of what i could change or do to sort this prob?
Unfortunately, I don't have an answer for you but I am really curious as to why the 4 minute difference really matters. I understand that we all like speed, but 4 minutes is just a drop in the bucket.
Make sure that your burning software is recognizing the media prior to selecting burn speeed and clicking burn. Make sure your firmware is current.
I think the software is recognizing the disc because when i insert it a progress bar appears at the bottom of the window (using nero). Once it is filled it gives me the option to select write speed and only gives the options that apply to that disc. I have updated the firware with one that removes region coding and rip speed lock on the drive
Post the log of your last burn. C:/Program files/Ahead/Nero/Nero History. Edit out your serial number.
nerro The are 4 types of DVD writing methods and it depends on your burner as to which version is used. They are CAV, CLV, PCAV, ZCLV CAV (Constant Angular Velocity) =Devices that always spin at the same rate CLV (Constant Linear Velocity) = Devices that maintain a fixed linear velocity PCAV (Partial Constant Angular Velocity) = Devices that switch from CAV to CLV when the maximum speed is reached ( High speed CD-Roms) ZCLV Zoned Constant Linear Velocity. A disc format standard that uses constant linear velocity within zones One of my burner uses ZCLV where it starts at 2X then at about 1 gb it goes up to 4 gb then at 5gb it goes to 6X and finally at 6.3 gb it goes up to 8X. This is using a DVD-9. On a DVD-5 it has gone up to 12X. One of my other burners uses CLV and if you look at the graph of the burn it looks like a mound. Both burns ( PI/PO) are excellent so I think the above is what has you puzzled. If you do not understand the above PM me and I'll try to explain it better