I loaded DVD-X Copy Platinum and it copies just fine, however it can take up to 10 minutes to open the program after I click on the icon. I have a fairly new machine running Windows XP and have no problems with other programs. Has anyone run into this problem and if so were you able to resolve it. Really appreciate any assistance.
Try defragging your HD. You can also, click start -> programs -> DVDXCopy Platinum folder -> and choose either advanced or simple. This way you don't go through the whole platinum start up screen.
ski149 You probably need to run SFC (System File Checker)utility in XP. You could have some files overwritten when you installed your program. Plat. probably overwrote some .dll's . If it did this is why it is taking so long to come up. Go here for more info: http://www.updatexp.com/scannow-sfc.html
Also make sure you don't have Nero INCD or Roxio DirectCD installed, XCopy Platinum has known problems if any CD packet writing is installed. I would first try making sure they don't run at startup, to check, type in msconfig in the run box and hit the startup tab, uncheck the box for either InCD or DirectCD and reboot. Try to activate Xcopy again, if it still persists in slow starting remove the packet writing program entirely, then try again.
You possibly have multiple startup programs running. These programs use valuable system resources, much needed by DVD XCopy software. Resolution? Start> run> msconfig..... At the top, right. Bring the startup tab to the top by selecting it. Now at the bottom of the window select. disable all.. Click OK .Reboot. Now after the system reboots, you'll get a window about windows using selective startup.. Check the box that says dont show this again and click OK. This should do it. Try what Flip suggested Running SFC is not necessary nor is InCD installed.