Im having issues to perfom smart encoding file-splitting in various 'fan-applications', since the comersial splitters seems to use trued split instead I use AVIdemux and various relatives to Virtualdub for AVI, my problem gets the same on both, the output loose in video quality for some reason, alot worse b/px quality and bitrate, it works thou, but unacceptable in VD i use direct stream copy on everything, and just slide-mark the places and save it out In AVIdemux i just input, slide-mark and save as, and say yes to every prompts it suggest (its accually enough to just say yes to smart encoding for it to get worse quality output i have concluded) what am i doing wrong thath makes 2 programs to lower the quality? i have talked to some people and it should not lower it, its harder to get a solution from them thou, so do you have any instead? or do you have any other program thath you know splitt smart without lowering Quality thath you can instruct? /Thanks in advance
If you choose "Copy" for video and audio, it should not re-encode, which means it should not lower the quality. Try this Free application for splitting AVIs: It works good for me, fast, no quality loss at all.
Its sett on copy on both as it is deafult yes, i even tested to reinstall program, but it still same issue, i dont wanna give up on this program so if somebody else use this program shout here please I tested solveigmm and i like it, i wonder if it will be so free in 21 days thou when the evaluation ends? wich functions will be locked down? Im a bit suspicios over the output result i got with it allso, when checking it in videoinspector the 'Bitrate' and 'quality factor' column gets disabled in a gray color i have never seen before, you can still read 1 Kpbs and 0.00 b/px under it thou i must say thath when playing input and output together side by side, my 3 eyes atleast doesnt react on any noteable quality loss, but i cant trust my either this 0-results in videoinspector indicates thath it is accually cloned values from another file..or the quality really becomed thath crappy on output i have not changed any settings at all since your experinced answer on the reality must alone make me judge if to celebrate ore flush this program
The quality does not change. I don't know why video inspector reports what it does. Check it with GSpot. The Avi Trimmer is free, no trial period. I do use Avidemux and I have never had any issue with it.
Its kind of hard i think to direct-translate the videoinspector values with G-spot values but i can conclude thath the video-values are lower in Gspot allso, however since you say this is free, i wonder if i really got the right version? and not a handicapped one thath spits out low-quality chunks Just to tell you what i do, there are not download link in thath link-window, so instead press "download" on menu and choose (and 2.0) install and it directley inform thath this is a 21 day evaluation version, are you sure on this? but i agree thath thei allso say its free..but not for me (as Elton John sang) this is confusing The only thing i can come up with..would be if there are any known preferences settings in AVIdemux thath should be enabled/disabled to prevent re-encode but arent in my case..cause of perhaps old registry remains from old installations
That's because you chose the "splitter" instead of the "trimmer". The trimmer is free, the splitter is not. Scroll down on that page to the bottom and you have the download link for the TRIMMER!!! I am really not sure what values you are looking at,but GSpot shows kbps bitrate and QF. Obviously the values reported with Video Inspector are not right. At 1kbs and 0 Qf the video would probably look like seen through some end stage Glaucoma eyes. I went back to the movies I split with the Avi Trimmer, and GSpot reports the right numbers. As for Avidemux, why is re-encoding, don't know. Won't be home for a while,will play with it in the evening. Do you keep the same container with Avidemux?
LOL, i thauth i hade scrolled down to the bottom of the homepage allready, and not to attentive at the top either But its wery interesting now, cause now i have 3 programs thath downgrades output, Virtualdub, Avidemux, and last SolveigMM AVI Trimmer Here are some picures over my last vacation in San Jacinto, thath will probably clear things out Another file this time, thath did not show thath Glaucoma value in the inspector, but shitty values I dont know about how to view?..container in thath program, i do know thath i can choose a direct 'stream copy' counterpart in main window, and to view container values in G-spot, if either thath was what you meaned? Some other user at another forum now unexpected claims this Even if the input is a none VBR audio file he think its natural to get lower values shall we trust him?
That sounds like a reasonable explanation, from a knwoledgeable person. One thing I know for sure: I never use any programs to check bitrate/quality scores...The only quality testing that I use are my own two eyes. If they are pleased, it's all that matters. When I enjoy a movie, I don't do it by watching a screenshot of some benchmarking software, but I actually watch the video. It is possible that the numbers (kbps/Qf) reported by programs like Video Inspector, GSpot...have changed in the past when I split/processed some videos with Avidemux for example(I never really used Avidemux for splitting, but a lot for joining 2 or more videos), but it simply did not matter since the end result looked identical, so I never bothered to check. The only time i use one of those applications is when I want to check the fps(PAL/NTSC), codec used...could care less about what they report quality-wise->I use my eyes for that.
Yes i guess you are right, using eyes is enough, i was so eager to get it gonig cause im running out of HD space so i started two threads here it is perhaps we all can learn something from this proffesors thanks for your help thou, alot better follow up than users on some other forums