Just interested in hearing what people did this weekend..... We had a beautiful weekend here in PA,. Had a some friends over and oh yesterday, was my 1 year anniversary from being really really ill Also did some work on the yard...Ah Long 2 days Please reply!
hi 2cool we had a windy weekend her in florida, still sunny & hot though, i just had a relaxing weekend sat in, drank a few beers & no work involved! thats my kind of weekend especially the no work bit! anyway i hope that you are better & that life is good. BTW what happened to your first account the other day i noticed it was perm suspended & i know you were banned once before in error, is this an error or were you a naughty boy??? LOL just curious you dont have to answer if you dont want to. good luck
Well i was a Naughty boy..LOL in my shoutbox and got a temp ban..... And some error happened the day i was supposed get it back.....Actually Dela Pm'd me today and asked if i got it back yet and i didn't, So i am waiting for a reply
My weekend was pretty rad. Friday night I had a beerpong tourney at my house... sadly I didn't win.. Saturday morning I went to a Pro Lacrosse game and watched denvers team win... it was a ton of fun... saturday night I went to the strangest party ever... everyone was all dressed up in tuxs and floor length dresses... me and my friend felt really undressed so we sat out on the pourch and shared a bottle of rum... It was good because we got to have some really good convorsation with each other that we would have missed if we really "went for it" at the party.... sunday I watched my roommte beat doom 3... good times...
@alienator Make your image tags lower case and add / to the last one like so... [*img]yourimagehere[*/img]
I wasted my weekend on MixCraft.. And alienator, once you put IMG in lower case it will work, it wont work in caps
wassup Rav? Back on topic...I cleaned the pool, went to work, took my wife and son to the park, and played on the PC.
Works now alienator, btw its nice EDIT, Hey LOCO, lol sounds like someones been having fun, well seeing as I've wasted my weekend on MixCraft i may aswell upload the MP3 somewhere and let people have a listen
Hey whats up everybody.............Not so good for me i'm afraid If you look back at my first post on this thread i said it has been about one year since i was really really ill(just about exactley) .......Well as ironic as it seems i am in the hospital having some problems with my heart rate. So i was supposed to kind of come in for a "Tune Up" from some rejection and be out by yesterday....but something new popped up so tommorow i have to get an operation that is supposed to ZAP my heart back to normal with electricity.....A little scared but they said i won't feel a thing because i will be asleep for it and they said it doesn't take to long But on a better note i won 120 bucks from my dad betting on poker! LOl I'll just be checking in every once and awhile
Oh man... saturday night sucked big time... not only did I get kicked out a show that I'd been dying to see for months (I gave a lil pixie a drink of my Miller only to find out she was not old enough... bam tapped on the shoulder and asked rather rudely to leave for providing booze to a minor... she was 20 and 5 months!) ... so we leave and then get lost on these crazy backroads and its raining... well there was a ninety degree turn that we didn't see until it was too late... we pilled into the guard rail at fifty...head on... airbags and the whole nine... it sucked big time... everyone was ok (SEATBELTS PEOPLE SEATBELTS SAVE LIVES!!!) thank god that guard rail held up... on the other side was a fifteen foot drop to a river... we'd have drowned... so yeah... saturday sucked...