I clicked in the event pokemon cheat but nothing happens! Also the sentence gets cut off because maybe the screen isnt big enough.. Near some cheats it says (Select+up) which means press select then up to activate it.. and it works>> But some cheats is like this (Sel..... and the rest is not there.. Help me? I want to capture arceus, shaymin etc
Basically you press the + sign next to the game, then Enable cheats and there should be a tab called cheats somewhere at the top of the touch screen and you can pick the cheats you want there and then save. If you didn't see any cheats, then you probably didn't put the usrcheat.dat in the right spot.
some games don't generically come with cheats on the dstt/dstti click the icon on the right hand side of game or if i remember press select on the game that is highlighted choose cheats tab tick cheats you want and click save, to take them off repeat above steps
No I DO have cheats, I 'know' it because i already added it and now i have unlimited master bals etc. there is also an option that i can get event pokemon and it tells me what to do to get it. I figured out how to get the heavens pipe, (the thing u use to get arceus) but how do i activate it?
http://forums.afterdawn.com/t.cfm/f-176/pokemon_special_event_arceus_for_download-841153/ my son went to an advent and got him here is the game save, i put hte game save on one card with the arceus and traded it it to him for a low level pokemon
Make sure you have the newest usrcheat. dat fromGbatemp Then Click on usrcheat.dat when you see it. Put it in TTMenu, then put the micro sd in your DS. When the game you want cheats for is highlighted, press select, then press right. Press a to open a section of cheats, or a to select a cheat. Make sure you press SAVE After it comes onto the screen with your games it should work. You can use this to help you read what the cheats say
Oh and if you go to http://www.projectpokemon.org/pokesav/downloadpokesav Pick the english version of which game you want and tell em when you are done if you need teh next steps. If you need any help just ask
yea i found an easier way to get event pokemon i just chose the cheat where i get all the items and now i have the letters and everything so it should work But my main question is still not answered.. 1. I clicked on Cheats etc etc and for some cheats it works automatically (And it did it successfully) after selecting then saving, but some they don't do it automaically. 2. For the ones that arent done automatically, it says some buttons u need to click written next to the name of the cheat to get it to work, eg. Select+Up, or L+R etc so after saving it I should click Select then up and it works or L+R or etc. (Hooray!) 3. But some cheats have really long names and so when it tells me what buttons to press the rest of the sentence isn't there so when i try to activate it i dont know what to press. 4. It might say this: Manaphy (Get the egg then hatch it)Press"........" (the "..." indicate that the rest of the sentence isnt there.. Sorry if i sound confusing but yea. The rest of the sentence isnt there.. I click the side button to try and make the sentence scroll over but it doesnt work.. HELP?
Go on the Ds Cheat Editor! Click on it and load a usrcheat.dat into, search for the game you want, tehn it will show you ALL the cheats for that game. And you'll also be able to select tehm from there. Tell me what happens and when you're doen!