I had an urgent desire to create a thread and Daniel_G's thread inspired me greatly. SO Browsers please.. I prefer Firefox..
i use firefox, while my wife prefers ole IE 6.0 i like firefox better cuz it has more functionality and options. here at work, we use IE as well. but boss wont let me change it.
A hacked/tweaked Firefox, but i like the new free Opera as well.. btw, Gear did you just become a senior member? If so, congrats!
Im been using Firefox for a while now and really enjoy it. I like how you can download certin themes and design the way you what your browser to look when opened.
i still put up with IE6 at home and work, though on linux box at work i use Firefox or Konquerer or whatever browser i click on by accident. rarely use that box to surf though as work moans about us multitasking when it comes to the internet. yet we have to multitask for all other tasks. hmmm!. must admit i haven't done anything with firefox other than to install it. i lose interest very fast with tweaking things constantly as opposed to using them. i think it's a Tech Support thing!. ps. gear79 - congrats
I guess I'll be the oddball, as I've been using Maxthon. I just sort of took a liking to its overall layout. Sometimes if I really get bored I'll pretend it's Winamp and change up on the skin.
@ DVDBack23 yes, and thank you buddy. i think it happened saturday or sunday. i was kind of shocked at first. btw, how did you get the 'hacked' foxfire ?
oh, ok, gotcha. as i have done that to mine as well. there is so much you can do with firefox. but my question is, whats the difference between firefox and thunderbird (is that correct?)
Im using I.E 6 it rules, i cant wait till they realese 7 ,hope it has some good features that will blow away firefox
mlinuxko, is there a problem I can help you with? I sure hope so because unwarranted bashing of another member is a great way to get into hot water with me.
@Nephilim Well sarcasm/joke is very difficult to insert in text as english is not my native language. However I will edit my original message. (- one word). Better now?