Soft Modding For Newbs

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by onehitter, Jan 16, 2006.

  1. onehitter

    onehitter Guest

    If you need help soft modding your xbox, this is the right thread. I can offer a complete newb proof tut on soft modding your xbox. Just reply to this thread or hit me up on my gamertag(X1HitterQuiterX), or AIM(DirkDiggler75864)
  2. truballa8

    truballa8 Member

    Nov 16, 2005
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    how do u softmod,i may get a xbox this weekend,does softmodding mess up ur xbox
  3. JesusC

    JesusC Guest

    I softmodded my xbox, and my xbox live was removed. I did not make a backup, and I was wondering if anyone would like to send me their backup so that I can play XBL.

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