Soft Modding Tut.

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by SLAYER05, Jun 5, 2006.

  1. SLAYER05

    SLAYER05 Guest

    SLAYER05 How to Soft-Mod Tutorial
    First things first you have to get is either 1 of these 3 games the original versions not platinum hits .
    1)Goldeneye Agent Under Fire
    2)Splinter Cell(My preferred Game)

    Now once you have those you’ll need Action Replay(You Can buy it at best buy or anywhere like that). Install action replay on your computer go to under halo2 or under Linux and download the installer and save it to your desktop then click and drag it over to the Memory card side then over to the PC database in action replay. You’re also going to need the Linux profile you can find it under the category of the game you selected to use at Now once you have all that on your memory card go to your xbox and copy the stuff over(delete all previous game saves of the game you chose to use)then insert the game you chose to use in the xbox then select start game then just select everything you want to do and by the way you should do the Unleash X dashboard the otherone sucks. (This is for Splinter Cell other games my have another thing to start it up) Now if its installed correctly you should be able to boot up the xbox without a disc in it and go to a blue dashboard that has a big X inside a circle. If u want to be able to turn the soft mod of easy then you should start up the Game then go to the installer page again then select the features option then select the dual boot mode and you should hit X for info on each one and the one where powering on the xbox with the eject button goes to the installer dashboard that’s the one you should pick.(NOTE: When you want the soft mod off select the switch off option not the uninstall option) That’s how you soft mod your Xbox but I can tell you how to make your Xbox be able to play N64 games, Sega games, and NES and SNES games if you send me a friend request on xbox live to either SPARTAN117H2,CORTANAandtheMC, or S22SLAYER2005(S22SLAYER2005 is my modding account).

    And if you guys like this tutorial ill make more like how to Mod halo2 or mod halo2 old maps and modding halo1 etc. So let me know what you think.
  2. s3a

    s3a Guest

    not platinum hits?? I think I heard someone accomplish what they wanted with platinum hits?? And plus I just bought the platinum splinter cell!! What do I do if I truly need the original? Well I guess first I should try to softmod...
  3. SLAYER05

    SLAYER05 Guest

    Ok guys if i teach you how to mod you're not allowed to scam people out of their 2 months on xbox live by like saying they dont work or crap like that so if you say you'll mod them up you better do it or actually just dont mod in matchmaking at all cause it ruins the game so yeah. Also i know how to bridge so if any of you want me to force you host or make a Easy to understand tutorial on it let me know.
    And im pretty sure you cant use platinum hits you can try it if u want tho.
  4. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    Well guess what SLAYER05.....You piece if cheating and scamming piece of sh*t......

    Well i guess you can just scam people 2 months,,,,This p*sses me off so much you have no idea......I am gonna try with all my strenght to get you banned......Uhhh......,.Sory if my language was a little harsh mods.....But i can tone it down if you want...But i hate people like this......

    Hey mods i think you need to read this thread!

    This same guy(SLAYER05).....Which if i remeber was banned before for the same thing under the name SLAYER(I think)
    He trying to scam people's 2 months by telling them there is a glithc in the system and send them to his Email

    Uhhh i hate people like this...Not to mention i am in a bad mood and Sick as hell
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2006
  5. SLAYER05

    SLAYER05 Guest

    Dude that wasnt me that was my little brother and i beat the shit out of him for doing it too. Omg get the full story before you start PMSing over it OMG.
  6. SLAYER05

    SLAYER05 Guest

    O and im sorry you're sick thats too bad.
  7. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    It doesn't matter if it is him or not...the point is you still did it and i don't care.......And this tutorial is talking about cheating....We don
    t support cheating..........

    And how did your brother get on your account,,,,,,Hmmmmmm I think you are lying seeing as you just created this account and the first thread you posted was a scam...YOu liar!!...I don't beleive you one bit
  8. SLAYER05

    SLAYER05 Guest

    Dude me and my brother share the account just like we have to share just about everything else cause my parents dont have alot of money plus he thinks its cool to use my name. And besides im going to freakin tell every1 not to do it so i dont see the problem.
    Plus my parents dont let him have his own name in these chat room type things cause they think hes not old enough hes freaking 10 and they wont let him.
  9. SLAYER05

    SLAYER05 Guest

    Hey is there a way to remove that post my brother put cause i dont wanna get in anymore trouble cause of him and how do u change the passwords for accounts?
  10. SLAYER05

    SLAYER05 Guest

    O by chance do u know how to put the DVD program Power2Go express into Extended Play mode i was just wondering cause im trying to put alot of my DVDs into 1 and then give them to my brother. So if you do that would be helpful.
  11. SLAYER05

    SLAYER05 Guest

    O and if any1 wants the really good Linux installer PM me and i can IM it to u with AOLIM.
  12. xbox1noob

    xbox1noob Guest

    can some help me i have these modded maps and all the software and the soft modded xboxbut i cant play the modded maps i mod them on the
    comp and put them on my abox but when i try to play them the mods rnt their hheeeeellllpppp!!!!!! ppppplllllzzzz!
  13. SLAYER05

    SLAYER05 Guest

    Try clearing your cache and if that doesnt work ill need more info to help you anymore.

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