softmod and Xbox live

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by nerd4saie, Feb 8, 2006.

  1. nerd4saie

    nerd4saie Member

    May 2, 2005
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    OK...before you think that i am trying to connect to xbl with a softmod listen....i am wondering if i restore my ms dashboard pretty much undo my softmod yet dont delete all my files off of the xbox can i get onto xbl. it seems like this would work but i am not sure...i dotn want to get my live account banned so i wasnt sure if anyone had tried this or not..i use a mech assault save game to mod boxes but i also have a 160 gig hdd in it so i dont know if this will work or not either...or what does xbl look for when i connect to it? if anyone knows please help me out. i am trying to figure this out because running two xboxs is getting kinda weird so i was going to have to invest in a chip but if i can do it just having to resoftmod my box every time i would be willing to do this. please let me know. thanx!
  2. cearel

    cearel Guest

    they look for modded files but i think if you restore th ms dash you should be good but i dont know if it will reconize your hard drive sece it is bigger than normal
  3. knizzle

    knizzle Guest

    as of now xbl does not check your hd size. I can't remember why but there is a legitament reason so you dont have to worry about that. Oh and my source isnt just hearsay, its off xbox-scene, a very notable modding site
  4. ndjumpbal

    ndjumpbal Guest

    idk if that is true. M$ has a new update that I think checks the hd. Alot of people have been getting banned with just having larger hard drives.
  5. cearel

    cearel Guest

    yea im not sure either ppl say both and im still not sure i dont have a bigger hard drive so i dont know

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