How do I move my emulators from the file manager f:/apps/emulators, to the emulators option on the dashboard? Right now I won't let anyone use the emulators without me because I don't want them in my file manager. Can I block people out of my file manager with a code?
If you can it might be a good idea to look for [bold]Big Ass Emulator Disc[/bold] on the newsgroups or torrent sites. I have 3 of them. A MAME one, a console one, and a handheld one. Each disc has the emulators and ROMs on them ready to go.
I fixed it. Thanx though. I had to go in the c: folder under config. and edit the lines that pointed to the emulator. Instead of f:/Emulator/etc.. I changed it to f:/Apps/Emulator/ and it fixed it.