I am trying to pop a 120 Gig Maxtor DiamondMax Drive in it, I have searched it on the net and have found the same drive to work, which is why i used it. I used XBOXHDM 1.9 and the process ran smoothly off of the bootable CD I made. I restarted the PC and Locked the drive with the eeprom that I place on the cd and shut it down. when I placed the drive in my XBOX the red light comes on and I get Error Code 6 - CANNOT UNLOCK HARD DRIVE. Any Clue how to fix this? PLowran
yes its from my Installer backup, It was called SID so I renamed it to eeprom.bin like its supposed to be
yea i doubble checked it, i remade the eeprom backup, it put it in a folder e:\ \Eeprom \MS Backup e:\ \Eeprom \SID \MS Backup Then I renamed SID to eeprom.bin, It says it worked fine. like I said the manual told me it would give me the HDD info lock password and all that, just as it did. But I still get 06- Cannot unlock HDD
weird. Xboxhdm use this eeprom.bin to generate the hdd key and lock hdd. Xbox does not know the hdd key but it find the key from eeprom.bin and unlock hdd. Does the eeprom.bin for xboxhdm to lock the hdd is same as the eeprom.bin in the hdd?
yes it should be, i got the eeprom off of the hdd. what about partitions? It had Win2k on it, I deteted the partition and used the WinXP disk to make a new partition out of the whole drive but I did not formatt it, it was just 1 big blank partition. Linux (xboxhdm) should have deleted this partition and remade the correct ones anyway so I didnt not think anything of it. Lord I always have these kinda problems, I was so happy when the HDD finished I was sure it was gonna work, LOL. I used the nknave Installer to make my xbox hdd but I had AID 3 on a DVD-R so I used that to re-backup my eeprom instead of going the long way through 007 again. Maybe I need to boot the installer through 007 and try to make a eeprom backup again with that.
if you use window2000 to create parttitions and formmat hdd, it is not going to work on xbox. You have to use xboxhdm to do all of those.
I didnt format them I just made the drive 1 large partition, but xboxhdm deleted it anyway and remade the C:\ E:\ & F:\.