im softmodding my xbox (again) and i want to have the original ms dash also, but i dont know how to get them obth on the hdd without messing anything up. any help would be appreciated. Ps: im using Xplorer360, and i cannot FTP
okay well you have to hotswap your xbox for it to work. and to do that you have to have the cover off your xbox and computer. tell me when youre done
alright, ill say the whole thing you'll probably want to take notes or print it off so that you dont have to check the computer if you mess up. if you do, no biggie you need to restart your computer then when the BIOS are loading, press the pause/break key. the bios should stop loading, which is good. now turn on the xbox and when the Microsoft logo appears, unplug the IDE cable from the HDD. now you need to plug the secondary IDE cable from the computer into the xbox (the secondary IDE is probably hooked up to the cd/dvd player) when you think everything is set up, press any key to continue loading bios. ill go on once you get this done.
my freind was hotswapping before and he messed up his hardrive so be it took a while to fix that thing....pulled an all nighter
I highly suggest against using the hotswap method if you have the option, I used slayers type set up to do it with my pc only having a cd-rom and the xbox's new hard drive. It took the normal time, and worked well. I would suggest that over the hotswap method ANY day.
wow that took a while, anyway... do you have the Xplorer360 program already downloaded? if so just open it and go to 'Drive>Open>Harddrive or memcard it should show the 5 partions on the left column. just click on one the it'll show whats in that partion you clicked on... thats about it