if i already have a softmodded system can i just plug the memory card in my controller and transfer the SId.Splinter.Cell.V2.0.Ntsc folder and the other one in there or do i have to put the udata folder in?
i would defitanly leave out sid 2 since its VERY OUTDATED... and we made a newest sid... sid 4 ... it allows you to play xbox live and still have the softmod intact... and you would only need to copy the sid 2 file linux and gamesave ... but since you already mod it urs .. it got extracted so the file size got bigger and it wont fit the mem card... the new softmod can be found in xbox-hq or on top of this fourm....
oh no its sid 3 lol it just says v 2 of the splintecell save...but i figured it out now i had to dopy the Udata folder to the memcard i think
sid 3 is ok but if you want to use xbox live i recommend checking out sid 4.... yea you dont have to copy the entire udata / tdate but thats up to you . again check out sid 4 ...
does that really work i heard that microsoft can check the hardrive for mod files.....if they dont then ill upgrade.....but dont you have to use a dvd movie to get into evox? becuase i had it at first but i wanted evox to boot first
evox freking sucks man lmao ... . and its very buggy for ftping... WHY YOU NEED A DISC TO GET EVOX? no you dont get banned as long as boot the retail ms dash... and you fellow the simple rule of retail ... no back upa games no no halo modding... etc etc.. RETAIL... a normal non modded crap. so for intince you want to have a fully softmoded xbox and play halo 2 on live press the EJECT BUTTON .. wait for the ms dash to load pop your original game and play xbox live.. voila! that simple... but say you want to acess your modded xbox ? then turn on the xbox normal power button... and get fully modded xbox ... no ms does not check hd for mods... howver the system scans the kernal hd serial eeprom and the .xbe ... dont worry about it ... now why you mentioned the disc ??? if you have sid 3 then you know how a softmod works.... also say you want a 200gb hd or bigger then the stock 8... well mod the xbox then upgrade the hd BEFORE you first go to xbox live ... why? because ms tracks your eeprom kernal and hd serial like i said ... so if they never knew your hd serial from 8gb hd then guess what they will think that that bigger hd is the stock... since it never got record. i have a fully softmoded sid 4 200gb xbox and i used to play alll the time on live >>>( over half a year to a year)until i got x360 then i decided to use xbl on 360... i mentiond my bigger hd so that you can see i didnt get banned.. i have alot of roms in there alot of burned games ... and if your rumores or thorys would of been true then i'd be banned asap...(takes 6hrs at most to find out if you mod)
i was asking about the disc becuase my friend gave me sid 4 knave edition and for some reason the only way i could get on the dashboard was by putting in a movie...i guess it was just the version
.... hmmm i think did it ask for time on the ms dash every time it booted ? HERE READ HERE .. it explains about sid 4 and how it works. http://www.se7ensins.com/forums/softmod-tutorials/17600-sid-4-information-faq-troubleshooting.html
Hazrdous : or that too ... lol so what you think did i made my tut nicely done???? on ss ? it took me a while.... reason why i did it? because alot of ppl are asking this that simple questions and questions that relate to it so i made up a tut .... Hazrdous is this your sig???? then just use the