Hi all; Ok, I've been reading the information on softmoding xboxs. I want to give this a try, but I'm not crazy about using my retail xbox HD for fear that I will pooch it and then my kid will hate me. I have some extra 20 gig and 40 gig IDE drives kickin around here. I am wondering if I can build a softmodded HDD with one of these and just switch it out, with the retail drive thus preserving the retail xbox HDD in case I want to go back to it. Thanks in advance, Cheers, Kali
no this will brick the xbox you will need action replay for any of this. use mech assualt or splenter cell 1
try finding a tutorial either in the afterdawn fourms or on se7ensins fourms look under softmod fourms
you cant softmod a drive w/o the eeprom, you cant get the eeprom w/o ftp-ing and you cant ftp w/o softmodding. therefore, you must softmod first, wwhich is pretty easy, once you get the eeprom off and onto your computer, please follow chuckheads guides about building a new HD, its very simple and he provides all the tools
it is possible to get the eeprom without a full softmod. all you need is action replay, mechassault and a way to ftp from your xbox to your computer. go to se7ensins.com, get the mechassault save, and put it on the memcard, then on your xbox. once you load the save, there is an option to backup eeprom. once you do that, the eeprom is on the hard drive in E\backups\EEPROM\eeprom.bin. exit the backup utility and go back to the modded save. if you are connected through a router, the dhcp will automatically give you an IP, if not, you can set it up manually (if you need to, please say so, and i'll guide you through that). Use an ftp program to get into your xbox. from there, go to e\backups\EEPROM\ and get eeprom.bin and ftp it to your PC. after that, you can ftp the rest of your xbox's content's to your computer, and make an xboxHDM cd for softmodding the other hard drive. and since the mechassault save is not a dash, when you take out mechassault, your HDD is stil retail. and there you go, one softmodded and one retail hard drive. (if my thoughts ar confusing, please say so and i'll make a more ordered way to do this) -mario612