Softmod Warning!!! Don't Do What I Did

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by skare81, Jul 28, 2006.

  1. skare81

    skare81 Member

    Jul 28, 2006
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    For everyone who is softmodding don't do what i did. I've been soft modding for awhile but never really messed with any of the features on the main screen, until today. I decided to see what certain buttons do, so i was clicking around then i saw all the drive formatting stuff... well i need the extra room, so why the hell not format some drives and clear up some room... BAD IDEA!!! In my head i was reading format drive E, but i was thinking it as format drive g... yeah i know, how the hell did you mix those up... but i did. So i decided to click format drive E, then it said do you want to format drive E... and of course i clicked yes. So now, i have an XBox, that doesn't really do anything special at all... actually it kinda sux, cause it deleted all of my game saves... which luckily i saved on my memory card, and loaded them on my computer... but now i can't load them back cause i f'd up my memory card. So now i have to go get a new memory card so i can load stuff back on... get one of the other 3 games to load the linux program on, cause i used mechassault and you can't load saves from a memory card on that game, and hopefully you can with one of the other 2... (someone please let me know if you can with the other 2). so that way i can have my xbox back... and the only thing i really want are my damn rosters for NCAA football 07.
    Damn curiosity really killed the f'n cat.
  2. starchy

    starchy Regular member

    Mar 6, 2006
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    yeah i did the same thing but was checking it out and my dog jumped on me and i hit A to reformat and i was so pissed cause my dads hockey season was on my HDD yeah i uesed 007 and after that mess i did it off the memory card
    good luck
  3. skare81

    skare81 Member

    Jul 28, 2006
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    when i try it off the memeory card it gave me a error #21. Can u send me the program u used, cause it might of been the one that i used that gave me the error
  4. starchy

    starchy Regular member

    Mar 6, 2006
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    it was a while ago like back in march and i dont have the program and even the stuff to softmod because it was my friends and i gave it back sorry

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