Need help guys! I soft modded my xbox yesterday with the Splinter Cell and Evox dash. I also successfuly installed Xbox Media Centre (XBMC). It plays all my back ups but I mainly wanted it for the XBMC. My only problem is I can't get back to the original msdash. When I did the mod It installed it to Crive on the box and it backed-up the msdash to Erive/Backup/MS. I've tried to get back to msdash through the my files option in XBMC and browsing to Erive/Backup/MS/ and then the xboxdash file but the screen goes blank and then comes up with a black screen with green writing that says contact tech support. Any ideas! Cheers Oly
You must go into your splinter cell exploit and uninstall your softmod then Restore Microsoft Dashboard or Patch MS and has some numbers. Let me know if this was any help.
Okay I uninstalled the softmod and restored the MS backup but now I get error 13 and the technical support green writing. When I installed the softmod (Splinter Cell exploit) it backed up to Erive a folder called back up and in that folder is an MS and MOD back up. I can use Splinter Cell again to get put the mod back on but I just cant get back to the MS Dash. My brother has a chipped Xbox and I got hin to copy his Crive and Erive. I tried copying all his C: Drive to my Softmodded Xbox but it goes straight to the error 13 screen. If I go back and put the Splinter Cell softmod on and try to go to the MSdash (by either changing some of the links in the evox.ini file I get error 21 and have to restart the Xbox) All I need is the ability to use the softmod and be able to get back to the MSdash. I'm sure it's to do with the way the evox.ini points to the files to be opened but I don't understand why I'm getting the errors. can someone give me a decent guide on how to get past this! Cheers Oly
ok you reinstall your softmod. then downlaod the latest m$dash from the internet somewhere. then put all of those files into the correct backup places. then clcik resstore m$dash. that should do it.
Okay I understand that....if it works but... How do I then re-install the softmod again with Evox and still get back to the original MS dash? I have XBMC installed and I've tried to run MSdash by browsing to my backup MS on ERIVE/Backup/MS but I get the Error 21 and the green writing. I have another Xbox that I've tried this softmod on and the mod works plus I can restore the MS and get back to the orginal dash. would it work if I copy the Erive/Backup/MS to my other Xbox that isn't restoring properly? Thanks for all the help so far.... Cheers Oly