A while back a buddy of mine softmoded his xbox. Since then he wanted the HD upgraded, I took a backup of the C and E drives when he first modded the xbox and saved them on my pc. I Formatted the new HD using the backups saved on my PC and xboxhdm_v1.9. Everything appears to have gone correctly, but im getting a Error 16 on startup. I searched the forums for a solution however all of the solutions require a modchiped xbox, and quite frankly I dont even have another xbox. Any solutions?
I have the old HD but i get an Error 6 (i think) when pluged into the xbox. I think that was part of the reason he wanted me to upgrade the HD. I tryed hooking the HD up to my computer but it doesnt reconize the drive at all, but i expected that because of the formating.
Yes modchip will fix your xbox. But I can fix your xbox without modchip. If you can access into the big hdd.
On the new hdd, you have error 16. how did you lock it? with eeprom of this xbox? on the old hdd, you have error 6. Which means xbox can't unlock hdd. how did you lock it? the same eeprom with upgrade hdd (the one with error 16)?
The new HD, I locked it using the original epprom that i made a backup of using my PC. The old hard drive worked, until he tryed to transfer files onto it and over wrote something. The epprom on this one should the original. AID auto installer 2 was used for the mod. the dash was evelutionX i believe. If that tells you anything, i dont know I think that the epproms were the same.
can you get into the new hdd with xboxhdm? If you still have orginal eeprom, then you can unlock the hdd with xboxhdm and access into the hdd. You can relock it later. I want to know which files and folders on root of C, E, F drive?
Ok i think i need directions on how to read the files on the drive, because from the looks of it I only read the CD. I unlocked the HD ran the browser tool in xboxhdm_v1.9 to view the files it said -a was unaccesable and -b it gave me a list of files on C and E drives
If your hdd is already unlock, then follow this instruction. First download and install Xplorer360 on PC from here http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/332766 - Turn off PC. - Connect PC's hdd to primary IDE cable as it used to be. - Connect Xbox's hdd to Secondary IDE cable. This is not the same IDE cable of PC's hdd. Remember set jumper on xbox hdd to master or CS. - Don't worry about DVD drives for now. - Turn on PC. PC should boot up like normal. - open xplorer360. Go to drive->open->harddrive or memcard. you should see 5 partitions of xbox hdd. Tell me what are in those partitions.
I get a "No FATX partition found at requested offset" error when trying to open the drive Edit: sorry it took so long to reply, had to move back to school
hmm... Keep the hdd unlock. Use xboxhdm format the whole hdd. Then copy date to hdd like you did before for this hdd. But this time, data is different. I want you to make the hdd exactly what I tell you here. The C drive has the complete clean working MS dash files. The E drive has 2 Empty folders: UDATA, TDATA. The F, X, Y, Z drive is Empty. C:\Audio, Fonts, xboxdashdata, xodash, xboxdash.xbe, Xbox.xtf, Xboxbook.xtf E:\UDATA, TDATA F, X, Y, Z is empty. When you have these on the hdd, then look it again with the original eeprom by using xboxhdm. Put the hdd in xbox and boot up.
ok i modded my xbox without a chip and error code 16 pops up and i cant play no games or nuthing so can you please help me. thanx
I have discovered something that i though might be of interest to ANYONE with error 16 on their x box. It's impossible to fix they say, unless the microsoft logo shows during bootup. I have discovered a very simple work around, that works very well. I fixed an error sixteen this morning. It all revolves around the hard drive lock problem. Anybody who has had this issue has found alot of people saying, "now it's just a paperweight. Buy a new one or hard mod it." Not true. You can use the hard drive swap method to reinstall your xbox, no matter if the microsoft logo shows or not. The trick (Posted Here First!!) is to simply unplug the cdrom drive from the ide cable, and boot the xbox normally, Instead of an error 16, you get an error 11, saying DVD drive not found. Interestingly, when you get an error 11, THE HARD DRIVE IS UNLOCKED BY DEFAULT!!! Now you can do the hot-swap method to read the hard drive on a computer. I downloaded xboxhdm and followed the instructions, after downloading the default dashboard files from another site. Worked like a dream. Now the xbox is exactly as it was when I took it out of the box. So don't throw out that Error 16 Xbox. It took me less than an hour to be up and playing again, and I couldn't believe it took me almost a whole day to figure it out!!
Ok, I wouldnt really call this a problem, but I do need help. Me and my friend softmodded my xbox with just splinter cell and the linux. I forgot what dashboard i have, I think its unleash x though. Anyways when I go to download skins, only two servers show up. One doesnt even have skins, and the other one, allxboxskins.comor .net have many. When I downlaod these skins, they dont all install. Also, when I downlaod game saves they dont work proprely, like for sims bustin out, sims 2, halo 2, and indigo prophecy. I would like to know where my xbox is getting the game saves from, and could you possibly change where they get them from. Sorry for making this soo long, but i have one more question. Can you download a dashboard so you can surf the internet with, and havve xbox media center, and have easy accessibility to movies pictures, and music. Recommend certain dashboards, and can this be done without hooking my xbox to the pc, do i need action replay. Please reply, you will solve all of my problems. Thanks