How do you softmodd a Xbox without using the 3 games. I can not find any copies of the games in any of the stores around me. They all only sell games for the "new gen" consoles. I would like to do the soft mod where you can play the games directly off the xbox hard drive and also to play my backups.
Then you need to look at the hotswap threads.. be aware there is a very high risk of making a brick. You can avoid the need for an eeprom reader if you achieve the hotswap and use xboxhdm to install c4rn1's cheaters C: files. I will link to the eeprom reader guide just in case... there is lots and lots of useful background info.
Yay, my cheater drive is being linked to. I feel like i contributed something now Here's some download links for you Download xbox hdm - Download my cheater C -